
Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Power Suit

photo: Joshua Franzos

It was November of 2018 and while scrolling through instagram, I'd spotted the coolest suit I'd ever seen. It was a red leopard suit by R13 and it made every cell in my body quiver. It was so tacky it was intellectual, which if we're being honest about my personal style, is exactly that. The only problem was, it was well over $4K. I'm forever cursed with expensive taste. 

photo: Joshua Franzos

photo: Joshua Franzos

I ducked my head back into the busyness of the holidays, but a Lovecraft-ian elder evil stirred within me. An idea surfaced one day in February like alligator eyeball emerging from the murk of my depression. What if someone else made a red leopard suit that didn't cost so much?

I googled. I found. 

Suit separates. 100% polyester* Jacket in my size. Last pair of pants in a size 14. 

I bought anyway. Pants can be tailored. Total: $66.50 pant tailoring extra: $20

photo: Joshua Franzos

photo: Joshua Franzos

photo: Joshua Franzos

photo: Joshua Franzos

photo: Joshua Franzos

photo: Joshua Franzos

The first time I pulled my arm through the jacket's satin lining, a guitar ballad wailed, swear to God.
After a few years of depression, I got my mojo back in an instant and forever set myself down a path of confidence and "out there" style. 

photo: Joshua Franzos

photo: Joshua Franzos

Therefore I feel like I'm uniquely qualified to give you a few pointers on how to find the inner spirit animal of your personal style. 

photo: Joshua Franzos
  1. Ask yourself if you will want to wear it six months or even six years from now.
  2. If something makes you smile, wear it. 
  3. If it gives you joy, wear it.
  4. See #1 and #2  and stop caring what other people think.  
  5. Begin noticing what your joyful things starts attracting into your life. take note. extend invitations if you wish. They'll become your magical companions.
  6. Don't take it too seriously. Make sure you have fun. 
  7. Ask for help from people you trust if you need it. Turns out, people really love to give out their opinions, (but not all of them are valid or solicited.) So make sure you always check back with your inner spirit animal guide, and guidelines 1-4.

photo: Joshua Franzos

Can you guess what my spirit animal is?

What I Wore: 
Suit: ASOS
Band tee: The Doors, some rock t-shirt catalog.
Rings: vintage sterling
Boots: my trusty Sam Edelmans.
Sunnies: Ray-Ban.

Reminder: If you click on any links I provide, there's a small chance I may earn or profit off of it someday. But I honestly haven't yet, but still required by law to say this. I wish I could provide you with more links to find the stuff that I wear, but alas, that is the problem with buying second hand and/or on sale. I post similar things where I can and on occasion, the actual items.

*giddy side note: synthetic, but non finicky fabric that can be thrown in a washer gets me reeeaally excited because adderall makes you sweat and dry cleaners either can't or won't properly clean the stank out the armpits.

Your Bosom Friend in Pittsburgh, 

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