
This blog was named for my late mother-in-law.
 It is an honor to share her name and stylish tradition.

The original Mrs. Franzos. This photo was taken by her future husband, on their first date.

Mrs. Franzos style blog features outfits that strive to find the balance between the feminine and masculine, vintage and modern, excess and austerity, instinct and erudition, 
machine washable and dry clean only. 

Team Mr. and Mrs. Franzos. (iphone photo credit: Amy Cohen)

My husband, Joshua Franzos, is the talent behind the blog's photography.The above photo is a rare glimpse of my handsome guy behind the camera.

Fashion is fun, but writing and telling stories is my true drug of choice. (My writer website is over here). I see stories in the clothing we wear and I want everyone to be a protagonist in their own life and dress for it. I want that for myself too. I'm pleased to find that this blog is helping me discover a personal style.

I hope you like what you see and read and share it with your friends. Please sign up to receive an email when I post a new blog, I'm posting when I can, as it fits into my life and with completing my first novel.

Your bosom friend from Pittsburgh, 

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